

'The only time I feel alive is when I'm painting.' ~Vincent Van Gogh~

Friday, September 17, 2010

My First Post

Hi Everyone!  Today is the first day of my blog site so I thought I would tell you a little bit about myself.  My name is Bonnie, and I am married to an absolutely wonderful man, Armin.  Between us, we have 4 grown kids and 2 grandkids (which keep us pretty busy!).  Oh, and I can't forget our four-legged kid (cat) Riley. 

This year I have had the opportunity to return to my passion for art.  When I was little, I always had a pad and pencil in hand,
drawing anything and everything.  When I went to Jr High and High School (many years ago!) , I enrolled in as many art classes as I could fit in my schedule.  Soon after I graduated though, I was married, then my children were born.  I didn't seem to have time for my drawing between raising a family, working, moving around with the military and so on. 

Well, needless to say, now the kids are gone, the house is quiet, and I have the time to start painting again.  My husband, knowing how much I missed art, surprised me with an easel, paints, pencils, paper, etc last Christmas!  It was perfect.  I was a little nervous at first, being away from it so long.  I didn't know if I had totally lost my skills, and I don't like to fail.  Again, my husband was right there to support me, push me, and help me get back into it.  And so I've had a busy year exploring my skills.

I have taken a couple watercolor classes, and even entered two of my paintings at a members show at our local museum.  It's been a fun journey following my dreams, and I hope to have success with my work.

Thanks, talk to you soon.

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Galleries Showing my Art

  • Fine Art America
  • Riverview Art Gallery, Portsmouth, VA
  • Jester's Galler Shop, Suffolk, VA