

'The only time I feel alive is when I'm painting.' ~Vincent Van Gogh~

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day 6 of 30 Paintings in 30 Days

Day 6 painting is a cute little lady bug!  You know they bring you good luck, right?  The size is 5x7 and is for sale for $45 USD.  It will come with a white 8x10 mat so it can easily fit into any frame of your choice.  You can contact me here with any questions, or to place an order.

Please visit my website to see more of my work.  And don’t forget to subscribe to this blog if you like what you see!!
Thanks for visiting!  Happy Painting!
All images are copyright and property of Bonnie Schallermeir and may not be copied or reproduced without written consent from Bonnie Schallermeir.

Day 5 of 30 Paintings in 30 Days

Make a Wish
Day 5 painting is of a Dandelion blowing in the wind.  It reminds me of someone finally being set free to be who they really are, no restraints.  The size is 5x7 and is for sale for $45 USD.  It will come with a white 8x10 mat so it can easily fit into any frame of your choice.  You can contact me here with any questions, or to place an order.

Please visit my website to see more of my work.  And don’t forget to subscribe to this blog if you like what you see!!
Thanks for visiting!  Happy Painting!
All images are copyright and property of Bonnie Schallermeir and may not be copied or reproduced without written consent from Bonnie Schallermeir.

Day 4 of 30 Paintings in 30 Days

Day 4 paintings is a 5x7 watercolor, Dragonfly.  These small paintings are alot of fun to do, I'm having a great time with them.   This original is for sale for $45 USD.  It will come with a white 8x10 mat so it can easily fit into any frame of your choice.  You can contact me here with any questions, or to place an order. 

Please visit my website to see more of my work.  And don’t forget to subscribe to this blog if you like what you see!!
Thanks for visiting!  Happy Painting!
All images are copyright and property of Bonnie Schallermeir and may not be copied or reproduced without written consent from Bonnie Schallermeir.

Day 3 of 30 Paintings in 30 Days

I'm a bit behind on posting my 30 Paintings in 30 Days, but here is my painting from Day 3.  The size is 5x7 and is for sale for $45 USD.  It will come with a white 8x10 mat so it can easily fit into any frame of your choice.  You can contact me here with any questions, or to place an order.

Please visit my website to see more of my work.  And don’t forget to subscribe to this blog if you like what you see!!
Thanks for visiting!  Happy Painting!
All images are copyright and property of Bonnie Schallermeir and may not be copied or reproduced without written consent from Bonnie Schallermeir.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

30 Paintings in 30 Days - Day 1 & 2

Hi Friends,

During the month of September, I have decided (along with many of my art community friends) to do a painting a day for the entire month.  Of course, it's now September 4th and I only have 2 1/2 paintings done, but I guess that's the hazards of having a full time paying job outside my studio!!  Oh well, I'm going to keep plugging away.

So I've decided that I'm going to do half of the month in watercolors and keep it to a 5 x 7 size, which is an easier size to get done in one day.  The second half of the month I want to do acrylic and/or oils.  This will give me alot of experimenting time with the different mediums.

The watercolor paintings I've decided, are going to be flying critters, like butterflies, dragonflies, bugs in general.  My plan is to be able to compile a 2014 calendar with them.  Here's my first two days paintings.... hope you like!

Butterfly 1

Butterfly 2
As for the acrylic/oil paintings, the theme ... well ... you'll have to stay tuned to see what it will be!

Please visit my website to see more of my work.  And don’t forget to subscribe to this blog if you like what you see!!
Thanks for visiting!  Happy Painting!
All images are copyright and property of Bonnie Schallermeir and may not be copied or reproduced without written consent from Bonnie Schallermeir.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Colorful Reflections

Hi Friends!

It's (again) been a little while since my last blog, sorry about that.  I'm back now!!

The last couple weeks I've been working on some new works.  My favorite was an exercise in painting glass bottles!  This was the first time I really, seriously, tried a painting of glass... but challenges push you forward and teach you a number of things!  I really like how the painting progressed and finally finished.

This was after the initial drawing and beginning painting.  I added the marbles into the painting for a little pizzazz!

 After getting the initial layout done, I put in a background.  A nice simple flowering tree branch, paned window, and a bit of a side curtain... still trying to keep it simple.  Above is the start of filling in the background.
Colorful Reflections

And here is the finished product!  I was quite pleased with it.  I hope you enjoy it too!  I have a show coming up soon, so this will be included in that show.... very excited.   More on the show in my next blog, waiting for the date to be set!

Please visit my website to see more of my work. And don't forget to subscribe to this blog if you like what you see!!

Thanks for visiting! Happy Painting!

All images are property of Bonnie Schallermeir and may not be copied or  reproduced without written consent from Bonnie Schallermeir.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Bit of Silly Fun

Hello Friends!

Last week I was able to take a couple days off of work, so I took advantage of that time and spent it in my studio.  I love those kind of days!!!  I worked on some baby animals in watercolor, some I like, some - hmmm - not so much.  Either way, it was alot of fun!!!  Hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed painting them!  Here are a couple of the paintings.  My favorite is the baby monkey, such a silly little face.

A Face only a Mother Could Love

Lil Pup

What kind of fun or silly paintings are you having a good time with???

Please visit my website to see more of my work. And don't forget to subscribe to this blog if you like what you see!!

Thanks for visiting! Happy Painting!

All images are property of Bonnie Schallermeir and may not be copied or  reproduced without written consent from Bonnie Schallermeir.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Watercolor Roses

Hello Friends! 

Yesterday was such a wonderful day!  The weather was beautiful (but slightly chilly) outside as Spring is (still) trying to approach.  I probably should have been outside getting my gardens ready for planting, but I took the day to do some much needed chores. 

My studio had been in such disarray lately that I had a hard time concentrating when I was in there.  So after getting everything put away, cleaned and re-organized, I felt much better.

As I've shared in my last couple posts, I am experimenting with a new technique, wet on wet.  Seems like such a simple task in theory, but I think it actually takes more skill than realism painting.  It's much harder to control the paint and the water.  Anyway, I'm still experimenting with it. 

Yesterday afternoon, in my freshly cleaned studio, I started painting some roses.  Here is a glimpse of it in the early stages of the painting.  We'll see how it looks when I'm done! 

Please visit my website to see more of my work. And don't forget to subscribe to this blog if you like what you see!!

Thanks for visiting! Happy Painting!


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring is Here!

Happy Spring Everyone!
Even though it's still snowing in places, it is the first day of spring.  Time for the flowers to bloom, birds to hatch, gardens to grow!!  I love spring!  I even peeked in my birdhouse yesterday to see if we had any residents... sure enough we do.
Now that my daffodils and tulips are blooming, I thought it a good time to do some inspired painting for the season, while I anxiously await the warmer weather.
I trying a new technique for my paintings, to loosen things up a bit.  I'm trying the wet in wet technique...  here is one of my recent paintings.  Still have a ways to go with the style, but it's always good to try something new.
Thanks for visiting.

Have a wonderfully creative day! 

Young and Wise

Galleries Showing my Art

  • Fine Art America
  • Riverview Art Gallery, Portsmouth, VA
  • Jester's Galler Shop, Suffolk, VA