Hi Friends,
During the month of September, I have decided (along with many of my art community friends) to do a painting a day for the entire month. Of course, it's now September 4th and I only have 2 1/2 paintings done, but I guess that's the hazards of having a full time paying job outside my studio!! Oh well, I'm going to keep plugging away.
So I've decided that I'm going to do half of the month in watercolors and keep it to a 5 x 7 size, which is an easier size to get done in one day. The second half of the month I want to do acrylic and/or oils. This will give me alot of experimenting time with the different mediums.
The watercolor paintings I've decided, are going to be flying critters, like butterflies, dragonflies, bugs in general. My plan is to be able to compile a 2014 calendar with them. Here's my first two days paintings.... hope you like!
Butterfly 1 |
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Butterfly 2 |
As for the acrylic/oil paintings, the theme ... well ... you'll have to stay tuned to see what it will be!
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Happy Painting!
All images are copyright
and property of Bonnie Schallermeir and may not be copied or reproduced without
written consent from Bonnie Schallermeir.